To create a safe and kind school environment that strengthens learning.
Dates to Remember
Feb. 3: “I Love to Read” Opening Assembly with Corny Rempel @ 1:15 pm (parents welcome)
Feb. 4: Community Health Clinic in Hut #1
Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day – In class activities only
Feb. 17: Louis Riel Day – No classes
Feb. 18: Community Health Clinic in Hut #1
Feb. 18-21: South Oaks Scholastic Book Fair
Feb. 20: Bookfair Family Night from 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Feb. 26: “I Love to Read” Closing assembly at 1:15 pm (parents welcome)
Feb. 27 & 28: Admin Days – No classes
Recently, we had a parent meeting at South Oaks to discuss the possibility of including grade 5 classes in our school next year. This has been discussed with Manitoba Education and Hanover School Division, and it was time to gather feedback from parents. A few parents showed up to the meeting. The superintendent, Joe Thiessen, led the meeting and several members of the HSD School Board were there also. Mr. Thiessen also received emails from parents who couldn’t make it… Read More
in: General
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We are busy getting everything ready for the students and we look forward to meeting them all very soon. I am pleased to say that we have an excellent staff once again, and I am sure your kids will have a great school year. Thanks to an increase in staff funding, we were able to return to a full time PE teacher, as well as a half-time Literacy Support teacher for students who need that… Read More
in: General
I am very grateful to everyone who made it possible for us to do hard things this year. It was about a year ago now that we grappled with the highest staffing cuts in Hanover School Division at that time. The only way we could manage these cuts was to plan for a lean year and tighten our belts. This meant that staff had to be willing to flex in their roles, lean more on our parent volunteers and have a heaping… Read More
in: General