Mission Statement

To create a safe and kind school environment that strengthens learning.

Dates to Remember

April 1: First day after Spring Break

April 3: Final day of chocolate fundraiser

April 3: WSO Field Trip – All grade 4 students

April 11: Indigenous Education Day

April 15: Staff Admin/PD Day – NO SCHOOL

April 25: Vision Screening for grade 1 – am

April 25: Student Led Conferences from 4:00 – 5:30 pm

April 26: Coffee with the Principal from 9:30 – 10:30 am

Latest News View All

Ready for Some Good News?

A couple of weeks ago, South Oaks received some very good news. Thanks to increased provincial funding for 2024-25, our school will see 1.5 additional teaching positions next year!! This is the best news we have received in a long time and we are excited about it. I want to thank everyone who has worked hard to keep the school functioning in an effective and professional manner this year, despite the lean staffing. Thanks to parents for understanding when changes… Read More

in: General

Together, We Make Great Things Happen

There is a certain spark that happens when we collaborate on a project. Our staff, on their own, could not make big projects a reality. Parents, on their own, would struggle in the same way. The school division also has their own financial limitations. However, when all parties come together for a common goal, amazing things can happen for our kids. For several years, I have wanted to gift our students (and the community) with a special piece of playground equipment called… Read More

in: General

A Fresh Start

I hope the holidays have been a time of rejuvenation and reconnection with your kids, family and friends! These breaks are so important to recharge and prepare for the next part of the year. What we are doing as parents and teachers is not easy! It is challenging work, but it is also the best work in the world, in my opinion. We are doing our best to prepare the children for their future, while helping them deal with their… Read More

in: General