Summer is an exciting time of growth. Gardens are planted with much anticipation of the growth that will come. Farmers plant seeds in fields with the hope that crops will grow healthy and strong. We rely on this growth for our very existence!
Over the past few weeks, much to our delight, we have also seen growth in our student numbers at school! We welcome the new students and families to our community! I can’t help but wonder if we will see continued growth throughout the summer and into the fall. If so, we are ready to grow!
Thanks to the parents for helping your children to learn and grow this year! We see you as you support your children in so many ways. I am sure there are many ways that go unseen as well. Sometimes parents have great personal challenges that make parenting difficult. Yet, despite these challenges, there is still growth to be found.
Our staff have worked diligently to grow positive relationships with your kids. These relationships are a joy to observe and they make an enormous difference in the classroom environment. Thanks to our wonderful staff for the many ways you support and promote growth and learning for our students.
At this point, we are all ready for summer. It is time to rejuvenate and “fill the tank” again. Our hope is that growth continues even while we are away for the summer, just like the plants grow when we are not around. It will be exciting to see the growth that happens for your kids during the summer. Have a wonderful time with your family this summer. See you in the fall!
Dale Martens
in: General