Happy New Year and welcome to January 2022! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break together. I hope you are feeling refreshed and ready for 2022. If you are not, that is completely understandable and we will continue working together, moving ahead step by step. Already we have an unexpected twist to the return to school, but we will manage.
One thought that crossed my mind recently is how we celebrate the New Year, but in reality, we actually don’t want too many “new” things. We sort of like the routine and the familiar because they help us feel calm, settled and safe. Our capacity and our desire to adapt to new things is limited, as we have all learned during the pandemic!
So, my hope and wish for our community is to have a minimal amount of new things this year, with a healthy dose of the routine and familiar. In some ways, I hope this “New Year” brings back a lot of the old and predictable opportunities for us. How amazing will that feel when we can gather, celebrate and learn in any way we choose!
I know that whatever happens, South Oaks will do our very best to support and teach your children in a safe and caring environment. That is why we are here and that is what we are committed to doing. Thanks for working with us through the ups and downs. May this New Year be one of the best years we have all had in recent years. Now, that would be a New Year to celebrate!
Dale Martens
in: General